What’s New at Refinable: Q1 Updates and More
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📍What’s New at Refinable: Q1 Updates and More!
Hey $FINE Fam!
After releasing not one, but TWO huge features that are representative of our community’s growth on Refinable this month, we want to share with you what’s in store for the future.
While we are fully committed to our roadmap, we remain agile and flexible to adapt to fluid market conditions and make adjustments based on user feedback from our community. Our highest priority at the moment is to offer user-friendly setup for decentralized marketplaces on all of our supported networks to empower creators to trade on their terms.
Without further ado, here’s our updated roadmap for 2022 Q1!
Custom Marketplaces (Marketplace-as-a-Service)
2022 marks a big year for Refinable as we expand the possibilities of what our platform can offer. As you would know by now, Refinable now offers custom marketplaces (Marketplace-as-a-Service).

In the long run, Refinable has set its eyes on becoming the leading provider of NFT marketplaces. And to do so, we are working towards providing a hassle-free setup of custom marketplaces with any public collection and increasing the intrinsic utility of $FINE token to include functions such as the verification of membership and/or subscriptions.
The beta launch for Refinable Storefronts went live back in mid-January and you can sign up for the whitelist at stores.refinable.com if you have yet to do so! We will continue to expand the offerings and features to customize site-building to enable you to leverage the Refinable platform according to your needs.
Metaverse Integrations
We hope to bring more exciting features as you continually support Refinable, and want to give back to the community as much as we can! If you haven’t noticed already, the Metaverse Gallery feature also went live for Silver members and above for the $FINE fam in late January, and we’re ambitious to share more of what we can do for you to share, curate, and collect on your terms on Refinable.

The Refinable Metaverse Gallery is currently under beta launch. Learn more here on how to access the metaverse gallery! We are open to any feedback from the community on how to improve our metaverse. Drop us a comment on our social channels and we will share with our team!
Infrastructure Power-ups
With all these big changes, it’s obvious that we have to boost up our infrastructure. Our first steps in 2022 in regards to strengthening and expanding our network and utilities will include network & data reliability (BSC), which will improve the security in Refinable. We’ve already improved DDOS resistance last quarter, why not strive for more?
Alongside updating our sales contract with this security upgrade, we include Solana in our supported blockchain networks (very soon)! In doing so, we hope to expand how much we can accommodate on Refinable and account for the increased volume of not only items, but also users, and collections.
Platform Revamps
We aim to get our users ready to start setting up their own custom NFT marketplaces on Refinable, with NFTs minted on Refinable or any public collection out there. In doing so, we’re working hard on making user experience on Refinable and Refinable Storefronts better.
As we move towards mass adoption of blockchain technologies, we want to help you share your passion with new communities. User friendliness will be a defining factor in achieving that. In Q1 2022, we are revamping our current filter system — enabling users to search for items on Refinable quickly and more conveniently. Along with filters, we’re also preparing major updates on how item pages would look like and what they can do. Obviously, mobile compatibility and responsiveness is a given.
What’s Next in Q2?
Beyond what we’ve listed here, we are also exploring various *special projects* which we will release more information in due time! 👀
As always, we’re grateful for your support in helping us get to where we are now, and where we are headed towards the future. Keep posted and connect with us on our blog and socials to know when we reach our milestones and to get access to the latest features on Refinable!
About Refinable
Refinable is a decentralized multi-chain NFT platform and marketplace designed for creating, trading, exploring, and leveraging NFTs. The project’s aim is to become the go-to platform that empowers individuals and communities to adopt and benefit from the experience of using NFTs through their low transaction fees and high efficiencies when it comes to creating and trading on the blockchain.
Contact Us
Website: https://refinable.com
Telegram: https://t.me/refinablenft
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Refinable
Discord: https://discord.gg/2Ps43kUxy7
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