OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis: Oct 23 – 29
Welcome to Metaverse Market Analysis! Every Monday, we bring you the latest stats and data on the overall state of the Metaverse market. This column is in partnership with the incredible team from OneLand, a financial platform for virtual LANDs in the Metaverse. This week brings the OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis stats for Oct 23 – 29.
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OneLand 7D data shows 10-project aggregate LAND cap stable in ETH, +0.05% for the week to 664,849 ETH.
In USD, however, LAND caps surged 7.95% to $1.194bn. ETH’s price — up 7.89% to $1,795.59 — set the agenda for Metaverse LANDs, with another BTC-inspired 7D crypto rally seeing total crypto capitalization shoot up 11.4%.
HYTOPIA kicked off last week by celebrating a cool injection of $3 million led by Delphi Ventures. It ended it with LAND market cap up 2.76% to 20,588 ETH, another 100+ ETH of weekly volume, and another bumper top sale of 11.44 ETH.

Meanwhile, Otherside saw a second consecutive 7D rise in LAND cap after pulling in approx. 200 ETH in sales for a second week running, fueled by a 23 ETH Otherdeed trade, its most expensive in 2 months.
It was an exciting week at Worldwide Webb, with the playing community revved up by its week-long Playa play-test. Sales of Apartments (+33.3% to 52) boomed to its highest 7D count in near 4 months, incl. a healthy top sale of 4.49 ETH that saw volumes up 183.67% to 12.32 ETH.
True that LAND cap (+0.13%) and prices hardly budged, but you cannot put a price on either hyped vibes or masses of community feedback. Holder numbers (down 8.6% in the past year) even bucked the trend, up slightly to 4,045.

Additionally, LAND trading was quiet last week at Arcade (volume -88.8%), BYOPills (-78.7%) and Decentraland (-69.1%).
Even in a busy world like Decentraland, higher prices (than other projects, bar Otherside & HYTOPIA) will always mean few sales in a bear market; this week saw just 7, the project’s LANDs cap falling by more than 5k ETH to 135,483 ETH. But it may also be that few are willing to sell out of the OG Metaverse – LAND holder numbers keep rising.

The rally in the cryptocurrency market, meanwhile, saw Metaverse tokens $MANA (+26.7%), $APE (+22.7%) and $SAND (+16.1%) up for the week.
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Digital art fanatic who brings a unique perspective to NFT news.
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