Hyperdex Launches Its Mainnet, Introduces Three Investment Strategies

    • Hyperdex launches its mainnet.
    • Three initial products called ‘cubes’ went live.
    • These cubes include Fixed Income, Algo Trading, and Race Trading.

Hyperdex, an all-in-one investment platform for everyday users, has announced the introduction of its own mainnet. Alongside this launch comes the going live of its initial products that went through extensive refinement and third-party auditing.

Called ‘cubes’, these investment strategies include ‘Fixed Income’, ‘Algo Trading’, and ‘Race Trading’. These will let users get familiar with Hyperdex and its features.

In detail, Fixed Income is described as a low-risk strategy that allows investors to earn a fixed return over a specified period. Meanwhile, Algo Trading is considered a moderate risk strategy where investors can earn a viable return over a specific period of time. On the other hand, Race Trading is a high-risk strategy that takes investors to a derivative-like position based on the future price of an asset.

The last cube forms one of the platform’s primary products, having Hyperdex controlling each component of a derivatives contract. Looking at an end-user perspective, if one is to select the Race Trading cube, one needs to deposit the quoted asset and wait for the results.

Furthermore, with Hyperdex’s ‘set and forget option’, the platform helps investors with the adversities that come with derivatives trading.

Moreover, Hyperdex Co-Founder Manfredi Magris comments on the company’s new achievement:

Hyperdex was designed to drive down the complexity of DeFi investment and to give users exposure to sophisticated products that were once the preserve of pros. Our Race Trading cube, for example, contains a simplified derivatives contract that makes it easy for anyone to experience the rewards of decentralized finance, all boosted by the HYP token.

Additionally, Hyperdex’s HYP token is slated to be issued to investors through an IDO. It is used to boost rewards available to the users of the platform and to incentivize the deployment of the above-mentioned trading strategies.

To add, the company also plans to introduce more sophisticated ‘Hypercubes’ in the future, which would amplify investors’ returns twice, along with the launch of a P2P loan exchange.

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