Exploring the Ainsley Gallery in Decentraland
Welcome back to the Metaverse Explorer series with me, Jake.
If you enjoy art, charitable causes and Roman-style architecture, I got the perfect spot for you. The Ainsley Gallery recently launched in Decentraland at -118, 88. Ainsley aims to be “the first, natively digital, art curating avatar in the metaverse.” The Ainsley concept is executed by The Last Slice Collective. The gallery is located in a unique spot on the corner of Vegas City Arts Village and the Cyber Space Gallery. The gallery was showcasing The Valdé NFT Collective, a blockchain initiative launched by Valdé Beauty to fund and support female artists, creatives and beauty entrepreneurs.
The outside of the structure looks as if it could be Santa Clause’s summer home. The building is painted white with subtle touches of green and red. The front is held up by four Roman-like pillars similar to the front of The White House. Christmas lights swirl around the pillars and white gates surround the house. There are two unique and rotating structures, which are placed perfectly at the front of the scene. The house is two stories with several windows on each floor.
On the inside, the walls are painted pink and the floors are a darker purple. The darker purple floor has marble-style designs and are consistent between the first and second floors. The chandelier is a vibrant rainbow color that shines bright across the room. There is a large screen hosting video on the opposite side of the entrance. There are two staircases with glass steps and highlighter pink railing. The gallery is a cute size with lots of wall space for CryptoArt.
I love the simple and vibrant construction of the build. The exterior features basic white, green and red, which compliment the physical structure. The interior is cozy, spacious and has plenty of room for a dance floor and gallery. I look forward to Last Slice Collective continuing to host events at the space!
🔎 Click Here to visit the Ainsley Gallery in Decentraland for yourself
🔎 View more of my Metaverse Explorer series and the buildings I have discovered here
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Jake is a virtual real estate broker creating a marketplace for buying and selling land in metaverses.
Credit: Source link
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